My Learning Journey

Alejandra Barahona

Richardson’s traditional bakery


June 15th, 2023 During the evolution of this project, there have been different changes from to Amiga Talk web page is designed to help young Colombians to analyse their emotions. On this web page, emotions will be divided into 18 emotions. These emotions are positive, negative and neutral.One of the most critical problems is how the […]


April 13th, 2023

There is six basic emotions: happiness, fear, sadness, anger, surprise and disgust. But the brain is much more complex, and we can feel many more emotions. A study published in PNAS was carried out in the United States, in which they questioned whether humans were only capable of experiencing six emotions. The work showed that […]

Hermanas talk to Amiga talk

April 11th, 2023

During the project, the name changed due to several factors, one of which is that the initial title was already used for other web pages. So, in the second stage, I decided to use the name This is because Hermanass means sisters in Spanish, and talk is to speak in English. But after the […]


April 1st, 2022

In this article, we will explore the process of revisiting the small business website with all the changes and improvements. During this journey, the gain of knowledge is considerable. Therefore, we will divide the steps.    SEO features Mobile-first Javascript PHP UX features Accessibility features Review Change SEO features To improve the SEO of our site, […]

Brand Identity

January 28th, 2022

For the final mood board, I used my images and two images that I found on the internet that helped me create the logo and chose the right colours for the brand identity using complementary colours that I will apply to the website. The local vintage shops around the UK inspired me with vintage typography. […]

The Content

January 27th, 2022

Website Content The content of this website is divided into four main sections. One rule that I am applying for this is project is that less is more. The concept for this project is a small bakery business. We don’t need a lot of information landing on our website because the audience is the local […]

The Design Process

December 28th, 2021

After researching different websites about bakery companies and sustainability sites, I found three websites that are the inspiration for this project LOAF, Days bakery and Paul Rhodes bakery for the traditional bakery. The reasons for choosing this website are that there are easy to navigate through the site, the information is clear and easy to […]

The Richardson’s tradicional bakery

November 16th, 2021

Richardson’s traditional bakery After talking with the bakery owner, we concluded what he wants to transmit to his customers.  The bakery is the only bakery in town located on the main street. All our products are freshly made; we feel proud that they are handcrafted and good quality products. Our loyal customers highlight that we […]